Our Safeguarding Team in Whiteabbey P.S.

Chair of Governors
Safeguarding Governor

Vice Principal, Governor, Senior School Leader, Year 5 Teacher, Safeguarding Team Member, Assessment Manager

Year 5 Teacher, Head of Keystage Two (P5-P7), Child Protection Teacher & Head of Safeguarding Team.

Principal, Safeguarding Team Member & Secretary to our Board of Governors

Do you know what to do if you have a concern about a pupil's safety or welfare?
Firstly- you should never feel guilty about this. Pupil safeguarding and promoting the safety and well-being of all our little learners is our absolute top priority, above all else. We WANT to hear from you and we WANT to help.
There are members of staff in our school whose specific responsibility it is to handle concerns of this nature; they are:
Mrs Miller: Designated Teacher for Child Protection (DT)
Miss Kidd: Deputy Designated Teachers for Child Protection (DDT)
If you have a concern of any type please do not investigate, simply mention it to your child's class teacher or either member of staff above and they will know what to do.
If you aren't comfortable with that, you may speak with Mr Wysner (Principal) or any other member of staff who will help you.
Safeguarding is more than just 'Child Protection', it includes a whole range of areas designed to ensure our children are safe when in and out of school. Whiteabbey Primary School is part of Operation Encompass helping to safeguard our children at home and school. For more information please follow the link: https://www.operationencompass.org/
Here are a few of the main policies (guiding documents) we use in school to help make our learning community as happy and safe as possible:
Safeguarding Documents
Whiteabbey Primary School,20-30 Old Manse Road, Whiteabbey, County Antrim BT37 0RU
Phone: 028 9086 2185 Email:info@whiteabbeyps.co.uk